The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a chargesheet against three individuals, including a former Deputy Commissioner (DC) of West Kameng, Bomdila, Arunachal Pradesh, in connection with a corruption and misappropriation of public funds case. The accused include Padma Jaishwal, IAS (AGMUT: 2003), the then DC; Nor Bahadur Sonar, the then Finance & Accounts Officer (F&AO); and Rinchin Phuntsok, the then Cashier, all from the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, West Kameng.
The CBI's investigation revealed that Jaishwal allegedly abused her official position by withdrawing government funds for personal use and remitting the money to private individuals' accounts through demand drafts payable at SBI, Chandigarh. The former DC reportedly conspired with the F&AO and Cashier, directing them to withdraw cash from government accounts under the pretext of returning the funds, which were subsequently misappropriated.
The chargesheet alleges that Smt. Jaishwal and her co-accused facilitated the issuance of 10 demand drafts amounting to ₹28 lakhs by dissolving three Deposit at Call Receipts (DCRs) created from government funds. The funds were allegedly used to purchase immovable properties in the names of the DC's relatives.
The case was registered by the CBI on March 4, 2021, following notifications from the Government of Arunachal Pradesh and the Government of India. The public is reminded that under Indian law, the accused are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial.