Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu has announced a promotional run for the highly anticipated Tawang Marathon. In a post on the microblogging site X, Khandu highlighted the marathon's grandeur, noting its ability to unite runners from diverse backgrounds to experience the beauty of Arunachal Pradesh.
Organized jointly by the Indian Army and the Government of Arunachal Pradesh, the Tawang Marathon is set to be a grand event this year. The marathon features various categories designed for both seasoned athletes and newcomers. It aims to offer an exhilarating experience amid the scenic landscapes of Arunachal Pradesh.
To build excitement, a special Promo Run will be held in Shillong on August 17, 2024, featuring the event mascot, TABOS. This promotional event is expected to offer a glimpse of the marathon's unique appeal and encourage more participants to sign up.