Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu held discussions with Inspector General of North East Frontier, Amitabh Gupta over key security issues along the international border.
Discussions covered key issues like border security, Vibrant Villages Programme, MoU for local produce, polyhouse cultivation at BOPs.
Moreover, the official and the Arunachal CM also discussed strengthening ties with the local community.
Earlier in Arunachal, on January 3, Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein inaugurated two landmark projects near the Indo-China border town of Mechukha, showcasing the region’s developmental progress and cultural heritage.
The Dorjee Sempa Khorchen, India’s tallest prayer wheel, and the NCDS Multipurpose Building were officially opened in a ceremony graced by dignitaries, including Minister of Education, Tourism, and Parliamentary Affairs, Passang Dorjee Sona.