Arunachal Chief Minister Pema Khandu is all set to move court against a “group of people” who have been spreading allegations of corruption against him. “I’m initiating legal action,” Khandu told India Today NE, even as several socio-political groups are engaged in protests against him alleging that the chief minister and his government indulged in corrupt practices in the allocation of Central funds. There have been allegations that Khandu is involved in as many as six scams in various departments including, power, mining and Panchayati raj. “All allegations are fabricated. It’s all about politics for 2024. Those who lost in 2019 think that if I continue, their chapter in politics will be closed forever,” Khandu told India Today NE.
Meanwhile, Arunachal Against Corruption (AAC), an NGO, has begun a seven-day sit-in protest at the tennis court of Indira Gandhi Park in the state capital Itanagar demanding the Chief Minister's resignation on corruption charges against him.
The NGO has accused CM Pema Khandu of being involved in multi-crore scams in various departments, including the Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojana (SGRY) scam worth Rs 68 crore for mismanagement of 24,800MT of free rice, Power scam worth Rs 142 crore under the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) fund., Panchayat Raj scam, worth Rs 889 crore, Department of mining and minerals scams worth Rs 32 crore as state revenue or royalty, Gross Misuse of Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) Fund worth Rs 588.40 crore, Hydropower scam worth Rs 1400 crore along with Rs 820 crore liabilities. The AAC has sought a CBI probe into these alleged scams.
Tarh Tahar President of AAC, while talking to the media, claimed that PILs (Public Interest Litigations) had been admitted in Gauhati High Court and the Supreme Court pertaining to corruption cases under the Khandu regime, which indicates huge misuse of public money by the BJP government in the state.
For instance, one PIL (13/2022) filed in the Gauhati High Court claims that the work/tender process was allotted in a project under the Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY) pertaining to three districts—West Kameng, Tawang and Namsai without following due process of law. The High Court has issued notice to the Department of Power, and other ten officials to submit their affidavit within four weeks. The next hearing is on July 25.
“The Petitioner Kaku Potom has earlier sought intervention from various authorities including the Chief Minister, Governor and Chief Secretary before filing the PIL, but it was neither redressed nor any action was initiated,” says advocate Mehmood Pracha.
Chief minister Khandu, however, dismissed all these charges and asserted that all procedures were diligently followed. “All procedures have been followed as per norms in the tendering process and when the work was completed, completion certificate had also been submitted to the Union government,” he says.