Arunachal Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein on March 7 presented a Rs 758.26 crore deficit budget for 2023-24, with special emphasis on creating livelihood opportunities.
The state has projected total receipts of Rs 29,657.16 crore, which is 14 per cent higher compared to the total estimated receipts of Rs 26,111.63 crore in the budget of 2022-23.
“Our vision is to support the aspirations of our people through impetus to economic growth and provide them with ample livelihood opportunities, especially the youth,” said Mein who also holds the finance, planning and investment portfolios.
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“For 2023-24 fiscal, we are able to keep the fiscal deficit at an estimated two per cent of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) which is, Rs 758.26 crore,” he said. The state’s GSDP has nearly doubled from Rs 20,373 crore in 2015-16 to Rs 39,000 crore now, he said.
In the last six years, the state witnessed unprecedented development in the infrastructure and connectivity sector, Chowna Mein said adding, “This year we are planning to invest in the waterways sector too.”
Emphasis is also being laid in the budget on the preservation of culture and tradition, the deputy chief minister said. He also introduced the Assam Frontier (Administration of Justice) Regulation (Amendment) bill.
The bill seeks to make provisions for framing guidelines by the government for election, selection, appointment, powers, functions and meetings of the chief village headman. Two other bills were also tabled in the assembly.