Deputy Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Chowna Mein, held a significant meeting with top Border Roads Organisation (BRO) officials on July 22. The discussion, which took place at Mein's official residence, focused on crucial issues affecting the state's border regions.
PKH Singh, Additional Director General Border Roads, ADGBR (East), Guwahati, and Brigadier Yogesh Nair, Chief Engineer of Project Arunank, were present at the meeting. Key topics on the agenda included enhancing border connectivity, promoting tourism, and improving military-civilian relations in Arunachal Pradesh's border areas.
The meeting also marked a farewell for Singh, who is set to retire from the BRO later this month after a distinguished career. Deputy CM Mein expressed his gratitude for Singh's service and commitment, wishing him well in his upcoming retirement.