Arunachal Pradesh is set to host the 'Tawangchu Tides' international kayaking tournament, promising six days of heart-pounding excitement. The event is scheduled to kick off on February 5, along the fast-flowing Tawangchu river, where kayakers from across the globe will converge to navigate the challenging Class V rapids.
Organized under the patronage of Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu and Union Minister Kiren Rijiju, the 'Tawangchu Tides' tournament is poised to become a major highlight on the global kayaking calendar. The adrenaline-packed journey will commence from Lumla, near Tawang, a strategically significant town located at an altitude of over 10,000 feet near the border with China.
With Arunachal Pradesh sharing a 1,129-km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC) with the Tibet Autonomous Region, the tournament not only showcases the daring skills of the participants but also underscores the strategic importance of the region. Tawang, known for its stunning landscapes and spiritual heritage, provides the perfect backdrop for this wild adventure.
The organizers, anticipating the participation of approximately 130 kayakers worldwide, emphasize that the 'Tawangchu Tides' is more than just a sporting event; it's a wild, unforgettable journey where passion meets the untamed waters of Arunachal Pradesh. Participants will be treated to a single lap course filled with gates and obstacles, showcasing their incredible skills and precision.
The event will feature nine competition categories, ensuring that it caters to every kayaking skill and style. As the kayakers navigate the challenging course, they will experience the camaraderie of a global community sharing a common love for adventure and conquering the thrilling rapids of the Tawangchu river together.
Arunachal Pradesh, specifically the Tawang district, is known as the basin of the Tawangchu, with two fast-flowing rivers from Tibet—'Tsona Chu' and 'Nyamjang Chu'—joining the main river in the district. The combined river flows west into Bhutan, entering Assam as the river Manas, and eventually merging with the Brahmaputra river.
Participants will enjoy top-class tented accommodations equipped with electricity supply, warm food, and hygienic toilets, ensuring a comfortable and memorable experience amidst the rugged terrain. Tawang, not only an adventure enthusiast's paradise but also a historic and picturesque town, boasts stunning landscapes and is home to one of Asia's oldest monasteries, founded in 1680.