The All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) led by General Secretary, Tobom Dai accompanied by several other students unions like AESDSU, ABSU, LBSU, AMCSU visited the worst flood hit areas at Namsing and Sigar village under Mebo Sub-Division today.
While talking at the sideline of the flood at this side of left bank of Siang River, Dai said that, the people of several villages under Lower Mebo lives under the atmosphere of constant uncertainty about their future as Siang river has already washed away hundreds and thousands of hectares of land of the villages under Mebo Sub-Division. The breaching of Mebo-Dhola Road with a stretch of around 500 mtrs in between Namsing and Kongkul village had snapped the communication of the lower area villages including parts of Paglam circle of Lower Dibang Valley, but alternative road is being prepared now. “The continuous rain from quite long has triggered flash flood and the massive soil erosion by Siang river has eroded off the fertile soil of the area including snapping off the road communication. The Rs. 35 Cr project didn’t withstand the flash flood and the region needs a mega flood protection project so that recurrent flood problem could be solved for once and all”, added Dai.
Also read: Assam flood death toll crosses century with 102 deceased, 24 lakh still affected
The team AAPSU also appreciated the good voluntary works of the villagers who are working hard to minimize the flood erosion by erecting bamboo poles/posts fencing with the help of country and machines provided by the department of WRD. AAPSU leadership also said that, they will take up the cause of the public to state and central government also as this apex student body of the state has already raised the Siang river turning muddy with unusual high tide due to manipulation of Siang river (Brahmaputra) by China in the upper ridges at Tibet (China) two years ago. The team also visited the Primary School at Sigar and said that the education department must make an alternative arrangement for the students.
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