19 out of 23 houses were gutted in Milang village in Arunachal Pradesh's Yingkyong district on Friday morning. The incident took place some 12 km away from Mariyang Sub-Divisional Headquarter, as informed by Ex-Anchal Samity Member of Milang village, Tosu Litin.
The fire started out at around 8 am early in the morning at a house of a Libang. As per ex-ASM Tosu Litin and one Tanggom Lego, the 19 out of 23 houses gutted include the houses of the following families: Libang, Litin, Lego, Ngupok, Ayom, and Modi.
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Now, the villagers are temporarily camped in the village community hall, which also suffered damage from the fire. Pigs reared by the villagers were also burned alive by the inferno.
Reportedly, the villagers of Milang (Ringkyong) are now busy in harvesting 'large cardamom' which is one of their major livelihoods of earning livings, besides other food crops.
“At this time of peak harvesting period of large cardamom, all the villagers go to fields by 5-6 am in the morning, due to which there were insufficient people in the village to douse the fire. Nothing could be recovered from the fire, all the villagers are helpless now”, said Tosu Litin ,who now lives in Mariyang. He added that a house belonging to his father, Dapok Litin, the Gaon Burah of the village, was also among the 19 houses gutted during the blaze.
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Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner, Yingkyong, Tapiyam Pada, Addl. Dy. Commissioner, Dr. Manjuli Komut, Supt. of Police, Yingkyong accompanied by officials of Disaster Management and others, visited the village and distributed relief items along with cash, as per government provisions, to help the villagers in distress. Geku-Mariyang MLA, Kanggong Taku, has also sent relief items for the fire victims.
The villagers have, meanwhile, appealed to the State Government to help them rebuild their houses.
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