The lone woman minister in the Arunachal Pradesh government and Minister for Child and Women Development, Dasanglu Pul participated in the Tiranga Yatra, at Walong in Anjaw district on August 14, aiming to strengthen the collective resolve to honour the national flag.
The Yatra was organised by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad of Anjaw district from Walong Welcome Gate to Walong War Memorial.
The war memorial was built in memory of the 2,420 members of the armed forces who Laid down their lives in the Anjaw district erstwhile Lohit during the 1962 Indo-China war.
Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such a meaningful event, the Arunachal minister exalted that such events reinforce the values of unity and patriotism in our community.
She said, "The Tiranga yatra initiative not only celebrates the national pride but also strengthens our collective resolve to honor our national flag, the Tiranga. The experience of marching together with fellow citizens, each one of us carrying the Tiranga, was both humbling and inspiring."
Furthermore, the minister said that the Yatra served as a poignant reminder of our shared heritage and the sacrifices made by the forebearers.