The police force in Arunachal Pradesh's Miao district led by OC, Inspector Ege Ete, on receipt of local Intel inputs swung into action and very tactfully rounded up two opium peddlers in the river beds near ferry ghat here in the right bank of Noa-Dehing River, an hour ago. The police seized 8 bottles of liquid raw opium along with a fully pasted piece of opium cloth.
The two young peddlers from whom the outlawed substances was recovered have been identified as Suddha Dhan Chakma of Kamakhyapur Village and Amulya Ratan Chakma of Aboypur village.
The police team very tactfully accomplished the operation in civil dress so that the peddlers smelled no danger and did not determine escape routes. The police team is yet to reach the police station as of now, as they have to cross the mighty river by wooden boats.
The exact weight of the substance is yet to be ascertained.
As news of the seizure flashed, the general public has congratulated the police team and lauded the leadership of Inspector Ege Ete as this is one of the biggest opium seizures by the Miao police so far.
It may be mentioned that the Mishmi Hills in Arunachal Pradesh – part of the eastern Himalayas in northeast India – has become notorious for illegal opium cultivation over the past two decades.
Authorities have failed to take sufficient action, with the periodic destruction of crops doing little to stem the thriving trade. This has led to the destruction of large amounts of forestland in a global biodiversity hotspot and major social problems in the remote region of India.
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