Renowned author and APLS President YD Thongchi unveiled "Méru: Beacon of Light," a groundbreaking anthology published by the East Siang unit of the Arunachal Pradesh Literary Society (ESAPLS). The launch event, held at JNC Conference Hall, featured a diverse collection of poems, short stories, essays, and articles in Adi, Hindi, and English.
Thongchi praised ESAPLS President Ponung Ering Angu and General Secretary Dr Ing Perme for their efforts to nurture young writers and capture the essence of Arunachalee culture. He encouraged aspiring authors to refine their craft through dedicated practice and extensive reading.
Dr Leki Sitang, Vice-Principal of JNC and guest of honour, emphasised the importance of literature in preserving oral traditions and engaging readers. The event showcased readings from contributing authors, including Manjulata, Omily Borang, Miti Perme, and Kayin Borang.
Notable attendees included Group Captain Mohonto Panging Pao VM (Retd.), Bodong Yirang, Tokong Pertin, and Dr Kaling Dai, among other distinguished writers and educators.
"Méru: Beacon of Light" is now available on major online platforms, offering readers a unique glimpse into the literary landscape of Arunachal Pradesh.