As per latest reports coming in from Arunachal Pradesh, the death toll in the protests which have been conducted to oppose the Government’s move of granting PRC status to non-APSTs.
Meanwhile, many have been injured and hospitalized after protestors clashed with authorities in the state. 150 vehicles have been reportedly fed to flames by angry mobs and curfew has been imposed in some parts of Itanagar and Naharlagun.
In another shocking incident, a Sohum mall was vandalized in Naharlagun and 350-400 protestors broke the shutter leading into the mall and plundered it.
It is to be mentioned that the entire state of Arunachal Pradesh has been engulfed in a situation of unrest ever since the Government announced plans to grant PRC status to non-indigenous peoples. Protestors partially burned Deputy CM Chowna Mein's house on Sunday and also vandalized the DC Office, Police Station, among many other places.
The protestors also tried to storm CM Pema Khandu's official residence but were met with heavy resistance from Arunachal Pradesh police personnel.