The ongoing indefinite hunger strike launched by the All Arunachal Pradesh Anti-Corruption Students Union and All Yobin Students Union has been called off on Sunday following the intervention of Home Minister Bamang Felix.
The students’ body launched an indefinite hunger strike demanding for deletion of non-APST settlers’ names from the Panchayat electoral roll of the Vijoynagar area in Changlang district.
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Arunachal Pradesh Home Minister, Bamang Felix held a meeting with the protesting members and said that the government would look into the issue.
Bamang Felix who is also Panchayati Raj Minister added that Chief Minister Pema Khandu’s government is a government of the people’s welfare. It will look into all the genuine demands of the people.
Suggesting the protestors to apply deletion form against the non-APST settlers from the Panchayati electoral roll, Bamang Felix mentioned that there are certain procedures that they have to follow as state government cannot interfere in deletion and addition.
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He added the government will intervene, whenever it is required to chalk out the issue into a logical solution.
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