Tapir Gao, the newly-elected Lok Sabha MP from Arunachal East, raised concern on the border issue between India and China, the PMGSY Road and roads in Vijaynagar and objection of China in Asian Development Bank (ADB) against Arunachal during the ongoing Budget Session at the Lok Sabha.
Arunachal MP Tapir Gao has stated that the security of India is under threat due to a lack of proper road infrastructure in the frontier state Arunachal. The MP said that although the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is being discussed at the Parliament, but roads are not reaching all the villages bordering China where there is always a lingering threat of a Chinese invasion.
Gao complained that the RD Department's law of only constructing roads in villages with at least two 250 residents is not inclusive enough and many villages in Arunachal are now "no man's land" due to the lack of infrastructure and development as they are deprived from connectivity from more developed regions where they can avail education and health facilities. "Every year, China comes and sets up bases there, therefore I want the Government to review the law of the PMGSY and construct roads in the far-flung areas."
The MP also said that Arunachal Pradesh is being deprived due to the conflict between India and China over the region. He stated that although the Government of India had said that they would not be able to provide funds from BRICS, World Bank, etc, due to Chinese objections, a separate budget should be set up for the people of Arunachal.
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