Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday reached the frontier state Arunachal on a two-day visit. Today, the Defence Minister participated in the Maitree Diwas, which celebrates the bonhomie between civilians and the army, at the Tawang Monastery.
Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu shared a video of Singh interacting with the monks at the renowned monastery. In one of the pictures, the Raksha Mantri can be seen touching the cheek of a tiny monk at the monastery. "Cute adorable moments with little monks!", captioned Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu.
Sharing videos of Singh declaring the Diwas open via Twitter, Khandu wrote, "Long live data-query-source="hashtag_click">#IndianArmy! Long live people of data-query-source="hashtag_click">#Arunachal. Let bonhomie between people of Arunachal and Indian Army last forever!"
At the monastery, Khandu and Singh also paid tribute to the martyrs of the Indian Army who died fighting for motherland against enemy forces in 1962, during the Sino-Indian War, also known as the Indo-China War and Sino-Indian Border Conflict, which was a war between China and India that occurred in 1962.
Later, sharing pictures of his visit to the Maitree Diwas, Singh said that he felt "blessed" to be a part of the experience. The people living in border areas are ‘strategic asset’ to our country, Singh wrote.
It may be mentioned here that Rajnath Singh will also inaugurate Sisseri River Bridge and National Highway-52 in East Siang District tomorrow.
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