Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu announced on July 25 via microblogging site X that the state's 2024-25 budget is crafted to boost the economy, promote entrepreneurship, and invest in the youth.
"This year's budget is designed to strengthen our economy, encourage entrepreneurship, and invest in our most valuable asset—our youth," Khandu stated. He said that the budget strategy is built around three core pillars: Healthy Human Resources, Robust Infrastructure, and a Vibrant Economy.
The Chief Minister highlighted the government's commitment to enhancing capital expenditure to support investments in infrastructure, development projects, and long-term assets.
Khandu reiterated the state's focus on youth empowerment, aligning with the declaration of the current fiscal year as the 'Year of Youth.' The budget prioritizes opportunities for self-reliance, skill development, and entrepreneurship, with the goal of fostering a generation of innovators and job creators.
"I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all legislators for their unanimous support in passing Budget 2024-25," Khandu said adding special thanks to Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Chowna Mein for his exceptional efforts in preparing the budget.