Madhur Verma, the Deputy Inspector General of Police of Arunachal Pradesh on April 24 shared a picture of two policemen sleeping on the road that has caught the fancy of the netizens across social media platforms. This picture that has gone viral at a rapid rate has triggered debates on social media and some serious discussions are now taking place in the virtual world.
The pic, uploaded by Verma long with the caption, "Isn’t comfortable bed and an eight hour sleep such a luxury ? Yes it is... if you are a cop !" has received a thunderstorm of likes and retweets on Twitterati, with the Twitterati lauding the two "corona warriors" for their selfless duty.
"Indian Police Force,contrary to it's bad reputation, is doing excellent duty in present time of grave fear&crisis. I hope,they'll continue this good work", wrote one user, while another said, "a big salute to true warrior let's always respect nd support them"
However, there were some who pointed out that this picture reflects the under preparedness of the police department.
A Twitter user Nandini, mused thus: "This misplaced pride is outdated. It’s the 21st century & our police force is ill equipped, poorly trained. The fact that they still manage to go out & work reflects on the calibre of the individual - not the force."
Another user, Swaroop Rawal, suggested that the policemen be provided with How about providing mobile bunkers? I am sure that would be really and truly helpful.
Abhinav Prakash, another user, opined that this picture depicts the force in a poor light. "Nothing to proud of here. It’s a matter of shame that police is under provisioned. We must stop celebrating misery", he wrote on Twitter.
There were others who pointed out that similar arrangements could pose health hazards to women police personnel. "How sad, good time to pitch in mobile units with resting areas and bathroom areas for cops. It would help a lot of lady cops to avoid Urine infection", wrote one user.
Another user, Dr Abhinav Prakash, shared some pictures himself of tawdry-looking living quarters, which he claimed are being allotted for doctors in Mumbai, the epicentre of the coronavirus in India.
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