Heavy security has been deployed outside the BJP office in Itanagar, the capital city of Arunachal Pradesh, following the party's announcement of its full 60-candidate list for the upcoming Arunachal assembly elections.
This decision has led to many current ministers and MLAs being denied tickets. The BJP party high command in Delhi declared the candidates simultaneously with the Lok Sabha.
ITBP and state police personnel are present at the party office to prevent any potential law and order issues, as there is fear of violence and protests due to the denial of party tickets to many sitting MLAs and Ministers.
Also Read: Arunachal: BJP announces candidates for upcoming Legislative Assembly elections, list inside
Notable denials include sitting home minister Bamang Felix from the Nyapin Assembly constituency, who has been replaced by Tai Nikio, and sitting Agriculture Horticulture Minister Tage Taki, who lost his party ticket to former engineer Hage Appa.
Techi Kaso, a thrice-elected MLA from the capital Itanagar who joined BJP last year from JDU, has received a party ticket.
However, many senior MLAs have been denied party tickets, raising concerns of potential law and order disruptions in the city.