BTC Chief Hagrama Mohilary, addressing a sea of masses who had gathered at Jangkhritai Pwthar, the site chosen to host Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who had arrived in Assam to celebrate the signing of the "historic" tripartite Accord. A buoyant Hagrama further announced that coalition partner BJP would form the Government again after the 2021 election "with ease."
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"From time immemorial, many armed groups were there (in the BTAD). Thanks to this treaty, we have been able to finish the gun culture among Bodos", Hagrama said, heaping praise on the Prime Minister for signing the Accord with the Bodos. Hagrama also hailed the Assam CM Sonowal, and commended all the leaders of the NDFB and All Bodo Students' Union (ABSU) for their role in the signing of the pact.
"Through this treaty, peace will come among Bodos. Nobody has to be worried", Hagrama said, and assured that all communities residing in the region would be benefited by the treaty.
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Hailing the ruling BJP party for the myriad developmental schemes and infrastructure, the BTR leader said that the saffron party has endowed the region with a bountiful of gifts. A confident Mohilary also said that the BJP would win the 2021 Assembly elections "with ease", and expressed faith that his own party would win the upcoming Council elections.
Mohilary, who signed the 2003 Accord with the Congress regime, told the gathering that Mohilary's Bodoland People's Front (BPF) had gained nothing from partnership with the grand old party.
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