The Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) Mahila Morcha workers have threatened the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) Pathsala unit Office-Secretary Dip Ganguli for the showing of black flags to Finance Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma and BJP State President Ranjit Das to mark the protest against Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016.
Addressing the media, Dip Ganguli said, “I went to participate in the ‘Bajra Ninad’ organized by AASU and 30 other organizations on January 22. While returning, my younger brother called me and alerted that six women of the BJP Mahila Morcha had come to my house and threatened to kill me. They even called us Bangladeshis. They told us why should Bengali people be involved with AASU?”
It is to be mentioned that Ganguli had been apprehended for waving black flags at the BJP’s motorcade. On 22 January, Himanta Biswa Sarma and Ranjit Das went to felicitate the victorious BJP candidates of the Panchayat Elections at Bhagabati Kshetra in Pathsala when they were confronted by the protestors. Thirteen protesters were arrested at the spot for waving black flags to the ministers.