Amit Shah or Amrit Shah? 'Asom Sahitya Sabha' Trolled for Monster Error

Amit Shah or Amrit Shah? 'Asom Sahitya Sabha' Trolled for Monster Error

India TodayNE
  • Jan 10, 2020,
  • Updated Jan 10, 2020, 1:43 AM IST

Guwahati, January 10, 2019:

The 'Asom Sahitya Sabha', the apex literary organization in Assam has reportedly come under fire for some great big blunders as document released by senior Sabha member Padum Rajkhowa contains some rather astonishing errors (such as mis-spelling 'Amit Shah' as 'Amrit Shah').

More remarkably still, the document released by the sabha that contains the mind-boggling errors is entirely in the Assamese language, the tongue that the sabha seeks to protect and preserve.

In a press document released recently, that undersigned by the Asom Sahitya Sabha General Secretary, it was written 'Amrit Shah' had neglected the advice of the Sabha members.

In the release, that details the speech of Padum Rajbongshi, the Sabha rued that although Amit Shah (mis-spelled as 'Amrit Shah') met former Sabha President Parmananda Rajbongshi, and others, he did not pay any heed to their requests, and had gone through with his intention to enact the Citizenship Bill, that has since turned into a law after it was passed by both Houses of Parliament.

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In the error-strewn document, the Sabha further adds that although the Sabha had staunchly opposed the implementation of the contentious Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, Shah, the Union Home Minister, had neglected the sentiments of the venerable sabha members, including its then-President, Rajbongshi.

Besides Shah's name, many other spellings, such as 'Karbi' (mis-pronounced as 'Karobi), were also wrong. Apart from the spellings, some of the information too was wrong. At one point, the document claims that Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council CEM Tuliram Ronghang, and not Horensing Bey, is the the MP of the region.

After the document with these glaring errors was released on social media platforms, these blunders are now being trolled by netizens, as the Sabha prides itself for its commitment to protect and preserve the purity of the Assamese mother tongue.

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