Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on June 14 discussed developmental issues, the law and order situation with Governor Lt General (Retd) KT Parnaik at Raj Bhavan, said an official statement.
''During the discussion, the Governor shared his concerns regarding road communication during the ensuing monsoon, and suggested for taking proactive measures to address any eventuality due to natural calamities,'' the statement added.
The Governor also stressed more people-to-people interactions and exchange initiatives through the G20 programme.
On the other hand, the Chief Minister shared about the successful organization of the G20 India Summit 2023 at Namsai, which was attended by delegates from foreign countries, along with representatives of community-based organizations and civil society organizations of Arunachal Pradesh.
He apprised the Governor of the implementation of development programmes of the Government.
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