Hukumsing Teron, a 27-year-old man, was arrested for allegedly raping an 11-year-old child in Diphu town in Karbi Anglong district of Assam. Teron was arrested on Tuesday based on an FIR complaint lodged by Karbi Nimso Chingthur Asong (KNCA) and Karbi Anglong Women Justice Forum (KAWJF) at the Diphu Police Station.
Teron hails from Langmili village near Diphu Medical College and Hospital, under the Diphu Police Station.
As per FIR complaint, the accused raped the victim between November 17 to 23 at his own residence.
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After the incident, the victim briefed the whole sequence of rape to her elder sister on November 24, even though Teron had threatened her not to tell anyone.
Today, the victim alongwith her sister, village headman of the victim's village and villagers, went to meet the leaders of the KNCA and KAWJF to narrate the incident and demanded the arrest of the culprit. Based on their statements, the two women's organizations filled an FIR at the Diphu police station.
A case has been registered No.314/2019 U/S 376 IPC R/W Section 6 of POCSO Act, 2012 against the victim.
It may be mentioned here that Hukumsing Teron is President of the Karbi United Council (KUC) social organization, an influential local organization.
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