The three accused have been convicted in the murder case of Assam college girl Shweta Agarwal. The three are Govind Singhal, his mother Kamla Devi Singhal, and sister Bhawani Singhal.
The sentence hearing is likely to be held on Wednesday. The convicts are likely to be sent to the Central Jail by the evening.
Then-Police commissioner Hiren Chandra Nath said that according to the confession by Govind, he took Shweta from college to their rented house at Shantipur locality of Guwahati city in Assam on Monday afternoon.
They had a heated exchange over the issue of their marriage at 2.30 pm following which Govind hit Shweta’s head on the wall in a fit of rage that proved fatal. He put the body in a gunny bag and put it on his motorcycle to throw it into a stream, but failed to do so as there were people around. Then he burnt it using kerosene inside the lavatory, from where the police later recovered the charred body.
Citing Govind’s confession, the police commissioner had said his mother and sister were not home when Shweta was murdered but accompanied him in setting the body afire. The college student had gone missing since 2 pm while on her way back from college and repeated calls on her mobile phone had gone unanswered.
The incident had caused hue-and-cry in Assam with many taking to the streets to demand justice for the girl.
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