The acclaimed documentary film, "Baruar Xongxar" (The House of Baruas), which garnered praise during its screening at the Indian Panorama of the 54th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in November, is set to captivate audiences across Assam with a series of screenings.
Produced by Nayan Prasad, Jemini Phukan, and Dibyajyoti Saharia under the banner of socio-cultural organization Surjya and Jemini Phukan Production, and directed by National Award-winning filmmaker Utpal Borpujari, "Baruar Xongxar" delves into the illustrious legacy of the Barua family, particularly focusing on their contributions to Assamese cinema, music, culture, sports, and society.
The 71-minute-long documentary, which had a special screening at the Rudra Baruah auditorium of Jyoti Chitraban today, received an enthusiastic response from the audience. It pays homage to the iconic Assam-type house at Latasil, Guwahati, which has been home to legendary figures such as Ramen Barua, Dwipen Barua, Brajen Barua, Nip Barua, Dibon Barua, Girin Barua, and Niren Barua, among others.
"We believe that this film is not just a cinematic endeavor but a cultural imperative, especially for the younger generation, to understand and appreciate the immense contributions of the Barua family to Assamese society," remarked Nayan Prasad, one of the producers, following the screening.
In collaboration with like-minded organizations, the producers aim to organize ticketed screenings across Assam to ensure widespread access to the documentary. Organizations and educational institutions interested in hosting screenings are encouraged to reach out via email to and
Director Utpal Borpujari stated the significance of documentaries in preserving cultural narratives and expressed gratitude towards Ramen Barua and Dwipen Barua, whose contributions will be acknowledged through proceeds from the screenings.
"We hope that initiatives like these will not only honor the legacy of the Barua family but also inspire future generations to uphold and celebrate Assamese culture," added Jemini Phukan, another producer of the film.
Both Ramen and Dwipen Barua expressed delight at the documentary's portrayal of their family's story, particularly as it coincides with the centenary celebration of their ancestral home.
At today’s screenings, from the film’s crew, producers Nayan Prasad and Jemini Phukan, director Utpal Borpujari, chief assistant director Bhaskar Jyoti Das, cinematographer Rituraj Shivam, editor Jhulan Krishna Mahanta, sound designer Debajit Gayan and researcher and assistant director Manaswinee Mahanta were present. Renowned musician Rupam Talukdar has recreated some of the immortal compositions of Ramen Barua on accordion specially for the film.