Sivasagar police and paramilitary forces put Bir Lachit Sena leader Shrinkhal Chaliha under house arrest on April 29th following allegations that he threatened contractor Nirmal Moore. The incident occurred after Moore was caught on video bashing Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad (AJYCP) regional secretary Lakhi Das Panikar.
The video has been widely circulated on social media, sparking outrage among the public. Chaliha allegedly called Moore and threatened him with severe consequences for hitting the AJYCP leader.
"I am ready to go to jail, but we will not tolerate any form of physical attack by anyone from the non-Assamese community," Chaliha said in a statement to the media.
The police have cordoned off the area around Chaliha's residence, and heavy security measures have been put in place. However, hours after being placed under house arrest, Chaliha was seen leaving his residence on a two-wheeler.
The police said that thorough investigation will be conducted, and appropriate action will be taken against those found guilty.