A three-member team of BJP delegation visited the flood-affected areas of Karimganj, Assam to assess the situation and meet with the affected residents on June 28. The team, led by Bijni Assembly constituency MLA Ajay Roy, toured the region to understand the extent of the damage and provide support to the victims.
Accompanied by district BJP president Subrata Bhattacharya, the delegation visited several relief camps where flood victims have taken shelter. MLA Ajay Roy interacted with the residents, listening to their concerns and taking stock of their immediate needs. Many victims expressed that their homes were still inundated with water, compelling them to remain in the relief camps for a few more days.
The delegation noted that while the government has distributed an adequate quantity of raw materials to the affected areas, some residents still face challenges due to the lingering floodwaters. The team assured the victims that they would discuss these issues with the district commissioner to expedite the recovery process.
They also mentioned that the delegation would submit a comprehensive report on the Karimganj floods to the state BJP president, highlighting the ongoing challenges and the needs of the flood-affected population.
Earlier on June 25 the flood situation in Assam escalated as the River Kushiyara at Karimganj has risen above the danger level, affecting more than 1.70 lakh people across ten districts. The deluge has submerged 631 villages, causing widespread displacement and disruption.
In response to the crisis, authorities have established hundreds of relief camps housing more than thirteen thousand individuals who have been forced to flee their homes.