Assam cabinet ensures fair market prices and workers' welfare

Assam cabinet ensures fair market prices and workers' welfare

Under the new directives, markets and bazaars will now witness fairer pricing mechanisms. The government will determine tender values based on the average settlement values of the last three years.

Assam cabinet ensures fair market prices and workers' welfare
India TodayNE
  • Jun 27, 2024,
  • Updated Jun 27, 2024, 8:51 PM IST

In a bid to curb inflated market prices and safeguard workers' rights, the Assam State Cabinet has taken decisive actions today. Addressing concerns over high bidding prices in various markets and bazaars, the Cabinet has announced the cancellation of tenders floated by Zila Parishads, Anchalik Panchayats, and Gaon Panchayats.

Under the new directives, markets and bazaars will now witness fairer pricing mechanisms. The government will determine tender values based on the average settlement values of the last three years. Bidders are restricted to quoting a maximum of 10% above this government-set value, ensuring competitive yet reasonable market rates. Any bids exceeding this margin will be rejected, ensuring transparency and fairness in market transactions.

During the interim period until new tenders are issued, current lessees will continue operations at existing rates, benefiting consumers with stable commodity prices.

Furthermore, in a move to safeguard workers under private placement agencies, the Cabinet has approved the Assam Private Placement Agencies for Recruitment of Workers' (Regulation) Rules, 2024. Aligned with the 2019 Act, these rules mandate registration under the Labour Welfare Department, enhancing oversight and ensuring authenticity of agencies operating in Assam.

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