Chaos and gridlock ensued during the rush hours of the morning on July 5 as a speeding city bus collided with three private vehicles atop the Ganeshguri flyover in Guwahati. The incident caused injuries to the occupants of the vehicles and led to a complete blockage of the road.
According to witnesses, the incident occurred in the early morning hours when a city bus with the registration number 'AS 01 HC 1483' reportedly lost control and collided with the three private vehicles on the flyover. The impact resulted in a small-scale pile-up and significant damage to all the involved vehicles.
The injured occupants of the vehicles suffered minor injuries, and immediate medical assistance was provided to them. However, the incident caused a massive traffic snarl as a crowd gathered at the scene, further complicating the situation during the rush hour.
Dispur police arrived at the scene to assess the situation and take necessary measures to restore traffic flow.