In a recent development to the APSC cash-for-scam of 2013 and 2014, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Assam Police detained former principal controller of examinations, Nanda Babu Singh, from his Silchar residence on Sunday midnight.
Known to be a close associate of former APSC chairman Rakesh Paul, Singh was brought to the CID office in Guwahati for interrogation. He is expected to be produced in court today, with the SIT likely to seek his custody. Singh is accused of destroying approximately 45,000 answer sheets of APSC preliminary and main exams under Paul's direction and unethically appointing his daughter, Minerva Devi Arambam, to the ACS position.
Currently serving as the Additional District Commissioner in Karimganj district, Arambam was summoned by the SIT on Saturday and is scheduled for interrogation at the CID office in Guwahati on Monday.
So far, arrests in relation to the scam include Sukanya Das, Wahida Begum, Rakesh Das, Shahjahan Sarkar, Aishwarya Jeevan Baruah and Nanda Babu Singh.
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