Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Friday held a meeting with the representatives of the Mobile Theatre Producers’ Association at Brahmaputra State Guest House in Guwahati.
He received a memorandum from the association containing their concerns and demands.
The producers and owners of mobile theatre groups apprised the Chief Minister about the difficult period the groups were going through due to the COVID-19.
Sonowal assured the mobile theatre owners that the state government will extend help to the groups to alleviate their distress faced by them. He directed the constitution of a government committee to advise on preparing a roadmap for taking the mobile theatre industry forward while finding solutions to the problems.
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The Chief Minister also directed Commissioner and Secretary of Industry Department KK Dwivedi to hold a meeting with the representatives of Mobile Theatre Producers’ Association on Saturday to find ways to register mobile theatre groups in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) category.
He further said they have been an integral part of Assam’s cultural landscape and providing employment to scores of people.
The state government will take steps to alleviate the difficulties faced by the mobile theatre industry, Sonowal stated.
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