Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma today launched the Mission Bhumiputra Portal at the Srimanta Sankardev Kalakshetra in Guwahati. With this scheme, the government aims to provide caste certificates to all individuals and students of Assam belonging to ST, SC, OBC, and MOBC communities in a simplified manner.
Within a month of submitting an application, students who participate in the Mission Bhumiputra Scheme will receive digitalized caste certificates, Biswa Sarma said.
The scheme is reportedly designed to reduce the practice of paying bribes when requesting caste certificates.
Condemning the practice of bribery and how the people of Assam are addicted to it, Sarma stated, “Everything is digital in other nations. People don't have to struggle to receive free medical care there; they only need to submit their card, which is digitally evaluated to determine whether they qualify or not. But in Assam, people suffer a lot just to apply for a simple ration card”.
“Assamese people are getting used to Dalal Raj for official work. That's how the concept of Dalal spread in our society and people started thinking it is a rule and have not complained for 75 years," he added.
The CM also urged not to question the nationality of the indigenous people while they are applying for caste certificates.
“The Mission Bhumiputra Scheme is a mission-based scheme which sets to simplify the process of providing caste certificates, The Scheduled Caste Student Union expressed their fear of issuing fake certificates,” said CM Sarma.
“The applicants will be issued the certificates digitally signed by respective Deputy Commissioners, who will be assisted by official bodies of different castes in identifying/approving the caste of students. It is not linked to NRC or legacy data”, Sarma tweeted.
The District Commissioner will deliver the forms to the Educational Institutions. However, students in class 8 and above can apply for caste certificates starting from the next year.
The forms will be made available in the Digi locker, with digital signatures from the relevant Deputy Commissioners who would be helped in the identification process by official organizations of various communities.