In a major development in the ongoing crackdown on pro-Khalistani groups in Punjab, four arrested aides of Waris Punjab De chief Amritpal Singh were brought to Dibrugarh, Assam on March 19. According to sources, the four individuals, identified as Daljit Singh Kalsi, Bhagwant Singh, Gurmeet Singh, and Pradhanmantri Bajeka, were taken to Dibrugarh Central Jail by a 27-member team from Punjab Police, including IG Prison.
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma called the move "police-to-police cooperation," and said that it was completely the call of Punjab Police. "Earlier we had sent prisoners from Assam to Bihar, and this is police-to-police cooperation. I have nothing to say on this. The prisoners are brought here for security purposes as well," he said.
Dibrugarh Deputy Commissioner (DC) and Superintendent of Police (SP) received the four aides of Amritpal Singh at Mohanbari Airport with high security. The case of Singh's aides will now be handled by Assam's top cop.
The development comes after the Punjab Police launched a massive statewide cordon and search operation against members of the Waris Punjab De outfit, against whom several cases stand registered. On March 18, Amritpal Singh was declared a fugitive, and his two cars were seized and gunmen nabbed. The Punjab Police are checking if the firearms of his security escorts were procured legally.
With the arrest of Singh's aides, the crackdown on pro-Khalistani groups has intensified in Punjab. The Punjab government has made it clear that it will not tolerate any activities that threaten the state's peace and security. The state government has also urged the central government to take strict action against those promoting secessionism and terrorism in the country.
The arrival of the four aides of Amritpal Singh in Dibrugarh has created a buzz in the state, and people are closely following the developments. The case is likely to have wider implications, and it remains to be seen how it unfolds in the coming days.