Bhabesh Kalita, the State President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), faces strong demands for an apology from the Assam Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) vice-president, Babita Sharma. This comes in the wake of derogatory remarks made by Kalita against the Mising tribe, implying that the "rootless Congress" is infiltrating every corner of the state.
Speaking at a press conference on October 16, Bobbeeta Sharma criticized the BJP leader's disparaging comments and asked, "Where does the BJP find the audacity to insult the Mising community? Are the Misings not an integral part of Assam?" She further challenged Kalita to explain what he meant by the phrase "roaming everywhere."
Sharma underlined the unique cultural heritage of the Mising people, who reside along the riverbanks and have long been known for their resilience in the face of floods. She stated that the Misings, often referred to as "sons of the soil" in Assam, call Chang their home, making it evident that the BJP leader's comments were misplaced and derogatory.
Accusing Bhabesh Kalita of displaying a narrow-minded perspective, Sharma contended that such statements only reinforce the perception that the BJP has a condescending view of tribal communities. She argued that BJP leaders have consistently neglected the problems faced by these communities.
Sharma also turned her attention to the alleged lack of development work in the Mising Autonomous Council and challenged the BJP government to provide a list of the works undertaken there. She asserted that the Congress had taken proactive steps to address the plight of the Mising community, leading to a noticeable shift in allegiance from Mising tribal leaders who joined the Congress.
Responding to a reporter's inquiry about Ribi Gaseng, Sharma clarified that this was a traditional Mising garment worn by both men and women during traditional festival, indicating its cultural significance. She explained that the Misings specifically employ a traditional gamosa called "Tongali Dumer Erpob" for respected textiles. The gamosa is often used to convey respect and honor.
During the press conference, Bedabrata Borah, the Vice-President of the Media Department of the State Congress, called upon Ronoj Pegu, who represents the Mising community, to become a minister and share the constructive schemes implemented for his community. Borah raised concerns about the lack of provision for the tribal people to study their mother tongue as the medium of instruction, highlighting the Education for All Act and the New Education Policy of 2009.
Borah also pointed out that many Mising individuals, including notable figures like freedom fighter Kamala Miri and educationist Taburam Taid, have significantly contributed to Assamese language, literature, and culture.