A First Information Report (FIR) has been filed against PM Modi alleging experiences endured by ordinary citizens due to the stringent security measures implemented during the Prime Minister's visit to Guwahati. The FIR, lodged at the Bhangagarh Police Station by Guwahati City Congress general secretary Ramen Kumar Sarma alleges the distressing realities faced by the populace amidst barricades and traffic restrictions.
The FIR filed outlines the hardships inflicted upon the common people as the city struggled with heightened security arrangements in anticipation of the Prime Minister's arrival. Sharma's statement highlighted the disproportionate burden borne by citizens as a result of the security protocols enforced during VIP visits.
On April 16, 2024, Guwahati witnessed unprecedented disruptions to daily life as roads were cordoned off and barricades erected to ensure the Prime Minister's security. Commuters found themselves ensnared in interminable traffic jams, with routine commutes transforming into arduous endeavors amidst the roadblocks.
The FIR copy states that the repercussions of these traffic restrictions became alarmingly evident when an ambulance, transporting a critically ill patient, became stranded amidst the congested streets. Despite the urgent need for medical attention, the ambulance was impeded by the gridlock, resulting in a distressing delay in reaching the hospital, the FIR copy stated.