In a recent turn of events, allegations of corruption have been raised in the distribution of portable power sprayers by the SC Board in Bijni sub-division. According to reports, instead of the intended beneficiaries, family members of BJP leaders and Bijni MLA Ajay Kumar Rai were provided with the machines. These allegations were made by a section of BJP workers who took to social media to express their concerns.
Amit Barman, member of the LAC committee of Bijni sub-divisional SC Board, was responsible for providing portable power sprayer machines. The beneficiaries were listed as Sanjit Burman and Uday Chandra Das, who are the brothers of Amit Barman and his sister-in-law respectively, Himesh Das, brother-in-law of Amit Barman's sister, Robben Barman, father of Amit Barman, and Nripati Kumar Rai, the brother of Bijni MLA.
The incident has drawn criticism from various quarters. Chirang district Trinamool Congress president Anirban Sen has slammed the BJP for allegedly distributing government projects and products to their family members and relatives instead of following the policy of ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’. He questioned how the BJP could claim to be doing welfare to the people and developing society if they only distributed government schemes among their family members.
The allegations have raised serious concerns about corruption and nepotism within the government system.