In a move aimed at helping students from border areas, Assam Director General of Police G P Singh donated various subjects books to Jawaharlal Nehru College in Boko through Kamrup Superintendent of Police Hitesh Chandra Roy. The donation was made on Thursday at a meeting organised by the Central Library in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of J. N. College, Boko, and Boko Police Officer In-Charge Phanindra Chandra Nath. The meeting was presided over by college principal Dr Tapan Dutta and attended by college students and faculties.
“We thank the DGP Sir for his great initiative by donating some important books to help the students for competitive examinations and other examinations. As a part of his dreams, he also donated many important books to our central library, like he already donated many books to other colleges”, said Tapan Dutta, Principal, J N College.
The books donated include Indian Polity, Modern History, Indian Art and Culture, NCERT's many books which include science, history, mathematics, geography and many others. Kamrup SP Hitesh Chandra Roy also toured the college library and the compound. SP Roy expressed his thoughts after seeing the infrastructure of the college, "I hope the college will be an educational hub for this bordering area along the Assam- Meghalaya border."
SP Roy enthused the students through his speech, "to be a successful person, students should make best friendships only with books, not boyfriends or girlfriends."
“‘Success never comes without effort'. You have to prepare yourself from the college level for competitive and other exams,” added SP Roy.
During the media interaction, SP Roy said, "DGP Sir has already started to donate books for competitive examinations all over Assam. Today, he also donated a bundle of books to prepare for competitive exams, and I officially handed over the books to the principal of the college."
"The main objective of the DGP Sir is for the border area's students, who are studying in this college and with the help of these books, they will appear and succeed in any competitive examinations in the future," added SP Roy.