Assam Director General of Police, GP Singh took to social media platform X today to mark the 25th anniversary of an incident from his past. On August 13, 1999, Singh survived a gunfire attack by extremists linked to an insurgent group active in Assam. Singh recounted how his bulletproof jacket shielded him from serious injury, leaving him with only a broken rib.
In his post, Singh highlighted the transformation Assam has undergone from a state plagued by conflict to one striving for tranquility and prosperity. He emphasized the significant sacrifices made by security personnel in the quest for peace, acknowledging that not all have been as fortunate.
As the state moves towards a more peaceful future, Singh urged groups and individuals who still resort to violence to reconsider their stance. He advocated for dialogue as the key to achieving lasting peace and prosperity.
Singh called for a united effort to ensure a peaceful Independence Day in 2024 speaking on the progress made and the ongoing need for collective action in preserving peace.