The Chagolia Police successfully apprehended Jamal Ali, a resident of Garugaon village in Bongaigaon district, for his alleged involvement in smuggling 2000 kgs of areca nuts from Bongaigaon to West Bengal. The arrest took place during the early hours on January 28 morning at the Chagolia check post under Dhubri district.
Acting on a tip-off, police intercepted a mini truck being driven by Jamal Ali. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the smuggled areca nuts were cleverly concealed beneath a load of green betel nuts in the vehicle.
The police promptly seized both the illicit cargo and the mini truck before taking Jamal Ali into custody. Subsequently, he has been presented before the Dhubri Court, and investigations into the matter are underway.
Areca nut smuggling has emerged as a lucrative trade in the region due to the high demand for the product in West Bengal and other states. Smugglers employ various tactics to circumvent security checks and tax authorities making it a challenging task for law enforcement to curb such activities.