After a closely contested election and a lengthy counting process, Dr. Basanta Kumar Goswami emerged victorious as the new president of the prestigious Asam Sahitya Sabha. The voting results, finalized on Sunday, revealed Dr. Goswami secured 403 votes, surpassing his rival Dr. Upen Rabha Hakacham, who garnered 325 votes. Dr. Goswami will now lead the organization for the upcoming term.
Dr. Goswami, a former general secretary of the Sabha, was among five initial candidates vying for the president's post. However, three candidates withdrew their nominations, leaving him and Dr. Hakacham in the race.
In other key positions, Padum Rajkhowa won the election for deputy president, defeating his competitors Dr. Bipin Kalita and Sahir Bhuyan. Meanwhile, Debajit Bora secured the general secretary position, prevailing over Ajit Prasad Sharma and Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma.
The election proceedings were not without incident. At the Bhrigu Kumar Phukan Auditorium in Dadara, an altercation broke out, resulting in Kamrup district organizing secretary Sushil Deka being assaulted by Ajit Prasad Sharma, one of the general secretary candidates.
This year’s elections saw active participation from 849 district and branch units of the Sabha, including branches located in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, and other cities. Ballots were cast earlier and sealed on December 5 before being securely stored at Meghdoot Bhavan in Guwahati, as confirmed by current president Dr. Surjya Kanta Hazarika.
The elections mark a new chapter for the Asam Sahitya Sabha, highlighting the continued dedication to promoting Assamese literature and culture.