In a significant stride towards eradicating the illegal liquor trade in Assam, the state's Excise Department, under the #IllegalLiquorFreeAssam initiative, conducted a successful operation leading to the seizure of 40 cases of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) and the confiscation of a vehicle used for transportation.
The combined value of the seized items is estimated to be around 10.6 lakhs.
Teams from Kamrup Metropolitan (M) and Biswanath districts spearheaded the operation, showcasing meticulous planning and coordination. Acting on a tip-off, the joint team intercepted the vehicle carrying the illicit consignment during a late-night operation.
The authorities are keeping the specific location of the interception confidential to prevent compromising ongoing investigations.
The crackdown is part of a broader initiative launched by the Assam Excise Department aimed at curbing the widespread issue of illegal liquor distribution in the state.