The two-day long golden jubilee celebration of the Luki-Bekeli Bodo Sahitya Sabha, along with annual conferences of Boko Anchalik Boro Jatiya Parishad, Boko Anchalik Bathou Mohaxobha and other Boro organisations commenced on May 11. The celebrations will end on May 12 after the open sessions of all the Bodo organizations.
The Chief Secretary of the Central Boro Sahitya Sabha Nilkanta Goyari will attend the ceremony as the chief guest in the open sessions.
According to the Bodo leaders, the future of the newly formed Kamrup District Boro Sahitya Sabha depends on the speeches or action taken over the political decisions taken by the district committees of their organizations created confusion among the people by the chief guest, Central Boro Sahitya Sabha Secretary Nilkanta Goyari, at the opening ceremony.
The Bodo leaders also informed that the newly formed Kamrup District Boro Sahitya Sabha has announced its support for the BJP candidate in the last Lok Sabha elections at a press conference despite no decision being taken by the central committee of the Boro Sahitya Sabha.
It may be mentioned that in the last Lok Sabha elections, seven Bodo organizations led by the South Kamrup Boro Jatiya Parishad formally accepted the resolution and held a press conference in support of the BJP candidate. Bodo leaders from the South Kamrup area said that no meeting was held for this kind of decision in the central committee. Due to this Chaygaon Regional unit of Bodo Sahitya Sabha also opposed the decisions of support to the BJP candidate in the last Lok Sabha elections.
Swadhin Boro, a social activist and former working Member of Central Boro Sahitya Sabha expressed intense dissatisfaction with the anarchy that there are a few people who have held several positions in the Boro national organizations in South Kamrup and used them as domestic property. For example, the President of the District Boro Jatiya Parishad, Nagarmal Swargiary, is the Vice-President of the Regional Council, the President of the Regional Boro Jatiya Parishad and the President of the District Batho Committee. Likewise, Niran Khaklari is the General Secretary of both the Regional Boro Jatiya Parishad and the District Jatiya Parishad.
Swadhin Boro alleged that this kind of dictatorship is increasing in the organization.
Now the Bodo leaders expect the exact position of the Central Boro Sahitya Sabha on this kind of matters will depend on the speech of Chief Guest Nilkanta Gayari in the open sessions.