The Directorate of Vigilance and Anti Corruption (DVAC), Assam, arrested Intaz Mondal, the in-charge Deputy CEO of Zilla Parishad, South Salmara Mankachar district, and the in-charge BDO of Fekamari, on Monday afternoon, February.
Mondal was caught red-handed while accepting a bribe from a contractor in his office at the Zilla Parishad premises.
According to sources, Mondal had demanded the bribe for clearing the bills related to works under the Jal Jeevan Mission, a central government scheme to provide piped water supply to rural households.
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The victim informed DVAC against Mondal.
The DVAC officials then laid a trap and caught Mondal with the bribe money, which was recovered from his possession.
Mondal was booked under the Prevention of Corruption Act and produced before a special court, which remanded him to judicial custody.
The DVAC officials said that they would conduct further investigation to unearth the extent of Mondal's involvement in other corrupt activities.