A government official of Binakandi Development Block in Hojai district Sewali Chakravorty found herself in hot water after being caught red-handed accepting a bribe of Rs. 10,000. The Directorate of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption, Assam, sprang into action following a complaint, leading to her arrest and the recovery of the tainted money on the National Highway at Niz Kathiatoli.
The complaint, received by the Directorate of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption, accused BDO Sewali Chakravorty of demanding a hefty bribe of Rs. 2,00,000 to facilitate the release of payments for work completed by the complainant's brother. Unwilling to succumb to the demands, the complainant approached the Directorate, seeking legal intervention.
Responding to the complaint, the Directorate set a trap on October 15. At precisely 3:15 PM, in the presence of independent witnesses, Chakravorty was apprehended in her car on the National Highway at Niz Kathiatoli while accepting Rs. 10,000 as part of the demanded bribe. The tainted money was seized, providing further incriminating evidence against the public servant.
Based on the compelling evidence gathered, the Directorate of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption, Assam, promptly arrested Ms. Chakravorty. A case has been registered at the ACB Police Station on October 15, 2023, with the reference ACB P.S. Case No. 83/2023. The charges are under Section 7(a) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, as amended in 2018.