Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on September 22 said that Assam government is committed to nurturing young scientific talent. He said that five promising students from the state have embarked on an educational trip to Cambridge University, UK, as part of the flagship 'Bigyan Pratibha Sandhan' program.
"Under this initiative, we are encouraging bright minds in Assam by providing them with the right opportunities," Sarma said. The five students—Jahnabi Priya Nath from Darrang, Kongkon Borah from Dibrugarh, Lakshya Kalita from Majuli, Manjay Nandi from Nagaon, and Nikita Neog from Golaghat—are attending the third phase of the program.
The fully-sponsored trip aims to provide international exposure to young scholars and enhance their scientific knowledge.
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