Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on August 25 announced publication of advertisements for 22,000 government posts in Assam in September. The move aligns with the government's consistent efforts to create between 20,000 to 30,000 new positions annually, further boosting employment prospects across the state.
Reflecting on the government's dedication to transparency and merit-based appointments, Chief Minister Sarma's announcement echoes the ruling BJP's commitment to providing one lakh jobs through a fair and equitable process.
This announcement follows an impactful development in May 2023 when a total of 11,324 candidates were provisionally selected for appointments to class III posts across 47 departments of the Assam government. Under the guidance of Chairman Ashish Bhutani, the state-level recruitment commission meticulously evaluated candidates based on combined marks from written and skill tests, culminating in the preparation of a final merit list against 11,510 posts.
The Commission's undertaking was extensive, receiving requisitions from 47 departments and attracting a staggering 9,21,634 online applications after an advertisement published in March 2022. Of these applicants, an impressive 8,28,860 candidates participated in the written test, a testament to the eagerness for public service roles.
The rigorous evaluation process encompassed written tests tailored to three distinct levels of qualifications: graduate, HSSLC, and HSLC. Following the written test phase, shortlisted candidates advanced to computer skill tests, stenography skill tests, or driving skill tests as per the position's requirements.