The Guwahati Police on October 16 announced the resolution of the Anjan Nath murder case, with five suspects in custody. Among the accused is Geetashree Sinha's lover, Sourabh Goenka, who is believed to have played a central role in the crime. The investigation has unveiled a chilling story of a premeditated plan to eliminate Anjan Nath, who was in a relationship with Geetashree.
In a press conference held by Guwahati Police Commissioner Diganta Borah, the details of the murder mystery began to unfold. Anjan Nath and Geetashree Sinha were not married, and their relationship was far from harmonious, marred by Anjan's reported issues with alcohol. Their families were also known to be at odds.
The murder weapon, a locally made firearm from Bihar, was identified as the instrument used in the crime. It has been revealed that Govind Kumar procured the weapon, while Geetashree's sister was also implicated in the conspiracy. Additionally, Geetashree's second marriage to Anjan was an apparent source of tension.
Sourabh Goenka, who had a monthly salary of 25,000, was a dry fruits businessman in the Fancy Bazar area. The police investigation has indicated that Geetashree's parents, Arijit and Jharna Sinha, disapproved of her relationship with Anjan due to his financial and alcohol-related issues. They ultimately orchestrated a plan to eliminate him from their daughter's life.
The plot unfolded over the course of a month and a half. Initially, Arijit Sinha attempted to poison Anjan with contaminated pills provided by a charmer (Bej), but when this attempt failed, a more sinister plan was devised. During police interrogations, Arijit Sinha confessed to his role in the murder.
On the fateful night, Anjan Nath was shot dead by Sourabh Goenka, with assistance from Govinda Kumar and Arvinda Roy. This shocking revelation came to light just moments before the police arrested the accused. Geetashree Sinha, along with her parents, Arijit Sinha and Jharna Sinha, were taken into custody.
The police have seized the murder weapon, and further evidence will be presented in court as the case unfolds. Guwahati police have also issued a warning that if anyone else is found to have played a role in this crime, they will be apprehended.