Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on February 19 said that the historic Jorhat's Chowk Bazaar where a massive fire gutted over 300 shops will get a state-of-the-art makeover.
Since the fire destroyed the market, the Jorhat district administration wants to provide business facilities to traders in another place.
The administration is also focusing on ensuring that small traders do not have to face losses in this regard and therefore, the government has sought cooperation from traders in this regard.
"There have been plans in the past to rebuild the chowk bazaar. But for some reason that did not happen. But this time we have to make this market in a modern form. The reason why the market is not happening here is that traders do not want to leave their place. But now we have to build the market,'' says Hitendra Nath Goswami.
The government is also eager to act to offer assistance and rehabilitation to those impacted by the fire. Traders who were impacted by the fire are already listed by the Jorhat District Administration.
After the historic Chowk Bazaar fire in Jorhat turned into rubble, there was a ruckus among the small traders affected by it.
The Jorhat district administration, ministers Ajanta Neog and Jogen Mohan, MP Tapan Gogoi and Kamakhya Prasad Tasa, and Jorhat MLA Hitendra Nath Goswami are rushing to offer assistance to the victims.
Union minister Sarbananda Sonowal also arrived at the location on February 18 to assess the situation for those impacted and said, ''The state government will help the traders''.
Sonowal on February 18 urged the Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma to extend all possible assistance to those whose businesses were destroyed in the devastating fire in Chowk Bazar, Jorhat.
Earlier the Assam Chief Minister had announced providing the necessary funds for the same.