Assam's Kamrup Deputy Commissioner Deba Kumar Mishra, on December 31, visited the Vulture Conservation Breeding Center (VCBC) at Rani, where he was briefed on the activities.
Sachin Ranade, Scientist BNHS (Bombay Natural History Society) briefed Mishra who was was accompanied by the Chief executive Member of Kamrup Zilla Parisad Siddhrtha Goswami, Renu Deori, Block Development officer, Rani and Roji Barman, Forest Range Officer, Rani.
He was shown the two species of vultures viz., Slender-billed vulture and White-rumped vulture. Both species are nesting and currently have small chicks to tend.
Sachin Ranade said that the vulture center was established in 2007 to save these two critically endangered species from extinction. So far, the vultures have successfully bred and given birth to more than 80 young vultures.
Ranade emphasised that plans are being undertaken to initiate the reintroduction programme for these birds to wild.
It was suggested by the guests that a proactive program should be undertaken to establish a Vulture Restaurant in Kamrup.
In this program, livestock carcasses and roadkill could be placed at a designated location where vultures could feed. It would be a win-win situation for both wildlife and villagers. The vultures would have access to safe food, and the villagers would save the effort of burying animals. This way, a natural balance would be restored.
Meanwhile, DC Deba Kumar Mishra expressed his satisfaction and advised a district level meeting to advance the process.